“What’s the Matter with Karachi?” is new Thomas Frank Book

“These Pakistani citizen’s are living the American dream so why do they insist on voting Jihadi?,” asks Thomas Frank rhetorically in his new LibLogic Book release, “What’s The Matter With Karachi?

As Ezra Klein said on his WaPo blog, losing his house to foreclosure is what pushed Faisal Shazad into a Jihadi fury.  He learned how to self-loathe like any good progressive ‘merican citizen.

But enough opinion journalism, let’s get to some quality hard news reporting from one of the Dinosaur Media as CBS news reported on the story of the motivations of the Times Square Bomber with straight-faced journalistic panache  & integrity:

Faisal Shahzad’s Motive Shrouded in Mystery

Man who Admits Plot to Explode Bomb-Rigged SUV in Times Square Spent Decade in U.S. on Path to Respectability

(link: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/05/05/national/main6462351.shtml?tag=cbsContent;cbsCarousel)

My sides hurt with credible laughter… But wait there’s more Pulitzer quality investigative work from CBS to report:

Sources tell CBS News there is no evidence Shahzad was part of a broader plot. But investigators are very interested in Shahzad’s recent stay in Pakistan – he was there for several months – and the FBI wants to find out who else he had contact with, reports CBS News Justice correspondent Bob Orr.

The juxtaposition of the first two sentences is Colbert-esque in it’s irony.  Of course, there is ABSOLUTELY no connection between the Times Square Bomb attempt and the recent stay in Pakistan.  None whatsoever.

At times like this I almost miss having Dan Rather to kick around…